Jira Phpstorm

  • Status:Closed(View Workflow)
  • Resolution: Tracked Elsewhere
  • Labels:
  1. Jira Phpstorm Interview
  2. Phpstorm Jira Tasks

The plugin allows reviewing Bitbucket pull-requests right in the IDE by JetBrains: IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm, PyCharm or another. Integration with JetBrains IDEs. By Majera Software for Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket Server 6.10.0 - 7.12.0. Kumologica Node for Jira. GitLive for Jira. Coming out of the dark...puerto rican genealogy. Homework handouts and additional resources macs history. Europa Notebooks. CLI for developer worklog. Capture the value of BDD natively in JIRA. Accelerate collaboration to help teams develop the right feature from the beginning. Try it free today.

  • Bug Fix Policy:

Our developers integrate JIRA in Webstorm and PHPstorm and this causes a repeated logging out of the JIRA if opened in a browser.

Jira Phpstorm Interview

Steps to Repro

  1. Open a Jetbrains IDE. Install the Atlassian connector. Configure it to point to your cloud instance. Make it fetch some issues from the Atlassian panel just to confirm it is working.
  2. Close your Jetbrains IDE product.
  3. Open your Chrome browser (all browsers will suffer, but I've witnessed this on Chrome), sign into your Atlassian Cloud instance, making sure to remember me.
  4. Close your browser completely. Open the browser back up and confirm that navigating to your Atlassian cloud instance automatically signs you in. Navigate to an issue of your choice..doesn't matter what.
  5. With the browser still open, now reopen your Jetbrains IDE product. Let it load completely. Heck even go check out the issues in your Atlassian panel within the IDE.
  6. Now return to your browser that has the JIRA issue open. Try to perform a restricted operation, e.g. edit a comment. You should be told that you don't have permission. Now click on the issue's link at the top of the issue page and notice you're bounced to the Atlassian cloud sign in page.
is related to

ID-191Session remember me cookies not retained after pinning tabs in Chrome and restarting browser.

  • Closed

Phpstorm Jira Tasks

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David Nicholson (Inactive)
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