R Markdown Website

Think of an R Markdown File, or Rmd for short, as a command center. You write commands, then Knit the file, and an html output file is created according to your commands.

Click Here to Learn More

Publishing R Markdown using Jekyll. Markdown insert tabulator (R) Hot Network Questions Is there any way to use microsoft office in ubuntu without using wine? Or any other alternative similar to microsoft office which uses the same format. R Markdown websites are simple to create and deploy, but can become cumbersome if you make frequent updates or additions to the website, as in the case of a blog. R Markdown websites are static HTML sites that can be deployed to any standard web server. All site content (generated documents and supporting files) are copied into the site directory, so deployment is simply a matter of moving that directory to the appropriate directory.

Carefully read through all parts of this image to learn…

The above tabs (blue bottons that read “Click Here to Learn More” and “Close”) were created with the code:

To make a link use the code [Name of Link](addressForLink).

Linking to parts of your textbook:

  • [Numerical Summaries](NumericalSummaries.html)becomesNumerical Summaries
  • [Boxplots](GraphicalSummaries.html#boxplots)becomesBoxplots
  • [R Commands](RCommands.html)becomesR Commands

Linking to outside resources:

  • [R Colors](http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~tzheng/files/Rcolor.pdf)becomesR Colors

There are six available sizes of headings you can use in an Rmd file (left in image) that show up as shown below (right in image).

To italisize a word use the asterisk (Shift 8) *italisize*. To bold a word use the double asterisk **bold**. The back tic can be used tohighlightwords by placing back tics on each side of a word: highlight `.

Simple Lists

Mixed bag review units 57ap calculus. To achieve the result:

R markdown website themes
  • Windows 10 64 bits para notebook download torrent. This is the first item.

  • This is the second.

  • This is the third.

Use the code:

Numbered Lists

To achieve the result:

  1. This is the first item.

  2. This is the second.

  3. This is the third.

R Markdown Website Tutorial

Use the code:

Lettered Lists

Using R Markdown With Rstudio


To achieve the result:

  1. This is the first item.

  2. This is the second.

  3. This is the third.

Use the code:

Nested Lists

Use the dollar signs $x=5$ to write (x=5) or $z=frac{x-mu}{sigma}$ to write (z=frac{x-mu}{sigma}). For a nicely centered equation use the double dollar signs $$ $$ on separate lines

to get [ z = frac{bar{x}-mu}{frac{sigma}{sqrt{n}}}]


to get [ H_0: mu_{text{Group 1}} = mu_{text{Group 2}}][ H_a: mu_{text{Group 1}} neq mu_{text{Group 2}}]

Symbol list:

SymbolLaTeX Math Code
(ne)$ne$ or $neq$
({ })${ }$
(text{Type just text})$text{Type just text}$

Here is a list of all supported LaTeX commands.

To add a picture to your document, say some notes you took down on paper from class,

Use the code: ![](./Images/insertPictureNotes.jpg) to get…

There are many ways to make tables in R Markdown. Here is a simple way to make a “pipe” table.


Notice in the YAML (at the top of the RMD file) there is a line that reads:

“theme: cerulean”

Other possible themes are

  • “default”, “cerulean”, “journal”, “flatly”, “readable”, “spacelab”, “united”, and “cosmo”.

You can also change the highlighting by adding the line “highlight: tango” to the YAML as follows.

Other highlighting options are

  • “default”, “tango”, “pygments”, “kate”, “monochrome”, “espresso”, “zenburn”, “haddock”, and “textmate”.

Go to the rmarkdown.rstudio.com website for more information on how to use R Markdown.